近日来,本公司接连收到培训班学员反馈信息,得知部分学员的研究论文已在Global ecology and biogeography, Journal of biogeography, Chemosphere,Geoderma等国际著名学术期刊接收发表。同时据不完全统计,截止目前,受训的部分学员已接连在Global ecology and biogeography, Journal of ecology, New phytologist, Journal of biogeography,Chemosphere, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, Science of the total environment, Land degradation & Development, Forest 等著名期刊上发表论文。 可以说,凌云翼依托科研,助力科研的宗旨已得到有力体现!
1. X. He et al., Soil microbial biomass increases along elevational gradients in the tropics and subtropics but not elsewhere. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29, 345 (2020).
2. X. Liu et al., Dilution effect of plant diversity on infectious diseases: latitudinal trend and biological context dependence. Oikos 129, 457 (2020).
3. B. Song et al., Plants are more likely to be spiny at mid-elevations in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, south-western China. Journal of Biogeography 47, 250 (2020/01/01, 2020).
4. Y. Sun et al., Drought stress induced increase of fungi:bacteria ratio in a poplar plantation. CATENA 193, 104607 (2020/10/01/, 2020).
5. Y. Sun, C. Wang, X. Xu, H. Ruan, Responses of plants to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) induced phytotoxicity: A hierarchical meta-analysis. Chemosphere 240, 124865 (Feb, 2020).
6. C. Wang, I. Brunner, S. Zong, M.-H. Li, The Dynamics of Living and Dead Fine Roots of Forest Biomes across the Northern Hemisphere. Forests 10, 953 (2019).
7. C. Wang, M. L. McCormack, D. Guo, J. Li, Global meta-analysis reveals different patterns of root tip adjustments by angiosperm and gymnosperm trees in response to environmental gradients. Journal of Biogeography 46, 123 (2019).
8. C. Wang, S. Zong, M.-H. Li, The Contrasting Responses of Mycorrhizal Fungal Mycelium Associated with Woody Plants to Multiple Environmental Factors. Forests 10, 973 (2019).
9. K. Yan et al., Phosphorus mitigation remains critical in water protection: A review and meta-analysis from one of China's most eutrophicated lakes. Science of The Total Environment 689, 1336 (2019/11/01/, 2019).
10. S. Zhang, Z. Yu, J. Lin, B. Zhu, Responses of soil carbon decomposition to drying-rewetting cycles: A meta-analysis. Geoderma 361, 114069 (2020/03/01/, 2020).
11. P. Zhu et al., Relevance of the ecological traits of parasitoid wasps and nectariferous plants for conservation biological control: a hybrid meta-analysis. Pest Management Science 76, 1881 (2020/05/01, 2020).
12. Yan, L., Y. Li, L. Wang, X. Zhang, J. Wang, H. Wu, Z. Yan, K. Zhang, and X. Kang. 2020. Grazing significantly increases root shoot ratio but decreases soil organic carbon in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau grasslands: A hierarchical meta-analysis. Land Degradation & Development https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.3606
13. Yang, J., X. Song, M. Cao, X. Deng, W. Zhang, X. Yang, and N. G. Swenson. 2020. On the modeling of tropical tree growth: the importance of intra-specific trait variation, non-linear functions and phenotypic integration. Annals of Botany. https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcaa085